Children’s Rights-Prof. Laura Lundy- PDA Conference

PDA welcomes Prof. Laura Lundy to address delegates on Thursday 15th November at 11:30am when she will discuss the topic of Children’s Rights. Laura is Co-Director of the Centre for Children’s Rights and a Professor in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work at Queen’s University, Belfast. She is co-Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Children’s Rights.  Her expertise is in children’s right to participate in decision-making and education rights.  Her 2007 paper, “’Voice’ is not enough” is one of the most highly cited academic papers on children’s rights and the model of children’s participation it proposes (based on four key concepts – Space, Voice, Audience and Influence) is used extensively in scholarship and practice. The ‘Lundy model’ of child participation is core to the Irish National Children’s Participation Strategy (2015) and has been adopted by international organisations such as the European Commission and global NGOs such as World Vision.  Full Conference Schedule

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