Prof. Kathleen Lynch – New Managerialism and Education

PDA Conference 2017

Kathleen Lynch, UCD Professor of Equality Studies, UCD School of Education addressed delegates at PDA Annual Conference on the most thought provoking topic of Neoliberalism, New Managerialism and Education: Challenges and Possibilities….

A 2nd principle of Neoliberalism is that the citizen’s relationship to the State and others is managed via the Market. In Ireland there is a growing attempt to privatise public services and make people buy them on the market –  Health care,  voluntary contributions in schools, privatising the community sector.

With a for-profit orientation, services are diminished in quality….jobs are insecured.  Rise of  the Precariat within and without the public sector – insecure, transient labour force – Unpaid internships, job bridge, project work, part-time hours, zero-contract hours

Segregation and polarisation is growing through wealth, job and income polarisation…

To view Prof. Lynch’s full presentation click here

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