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DATE for your diary – PDA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2018 – 14,15 & 16 November – Johnstown Estate, Enfield, Co. Meath.

Click to read PDA’s latest Newsletter
DATE for your diary – PDA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2018 – 14,15 & 16 November – Johnstown Estate, Enfield, Co. Meath.
PDA President, Stephen Goulding, made his inaugural address at PDA Annual Conference in Enfield.
‘If the government’s stated aim is to make the country’s education system the best in Europe within the next decade is to be credible, then why has Budget 2018 included so few positive developments for our education system?… to read on click here
Kathleen Lynch, UCD Professor of Equality Studies, UCD School of Education addressed delegates at PDA Annual Conference on the most thought provoking topic of Neoliberalism, New Managerialism and Education: Challenges and Possibilities….
A 2nd principle of Neoliberalism is that the citizen’s relationship to the State and others is managed via the Market. In Ireland there is a growing attempt to privatise public services and make people buy them on the market – Health care, voluntary contributions in schools, privatising the community sector.
With a for-profit orientation, services are diminished in quality….jobs are insecured. Rise of the Precariat within and without the public sector – insecure, transient labour force – Unpaid internships, job bridge, project work, part-time hours, zero-contract hours
Segregation and polarisation is growing through wealth, job and income polarisation…
To view Prof. Lynch’s full presentation click here
At PDA Annual Conference 2017 John West-Burnham speaks of ‘the components of collective teacher efficacy’ and ‘Leadership for collaboration’. To view presentation slides click here
Thanks to all those companies and associations who exhibited at PDA Conference 2017
Gary Ó Donnchadha is one of two Deputy Chief Inspectors in the Department of Education and Skills. His responsibilities include managing and supporting the advisory and policy work of the Inspectorate. He oversees the quality assurance of Early Years education settings and works closely with the team of inspectors conducting the new programme of Early Years Education-Focussed Inspections (EYEI). Gary’s policy brief encompasses the work of the Inspectorate’s Evaluation, Support and Research Unit (ESRU) which develops and supports a range of inspection models for the Early Years, Primary and Post-primary sectors. Gary works closely with the Chief Inspector, with the other Deputy Chief Inspector and with the Inspectorate’s Senior Management Group to promote a strong focus on external quality assurance and inspection, school self-evaluation and capacity building for school and system improvement. Gary has pursued studies at Mary Immaculate College (B.Ed.); in UCC (B.A., H.Dip.Ed., M.Ed. and MBA) and at the University of London (M.A.). Gary is a former member of the board of TUSLA and of the Board of Governors of the European Schools. Before joining the Inspectorate, in 1998, Gary was a primary teacher in Cork (from 1982) and also served as an education officer with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA).
Jacinta Kitt is the author of a book entitled “Positive Behaviours, Relationships and Emotions…. The heart of leadership in a school” She is an inspirational speaker on the subject of Creating and Maintaining a Positive Workplace Environment. She teaches in Trinity College on the M.Ed programme and also in Marino Institute of Education on the B.Sc and B.Ed programmes. She is a former primary school teacher.
Martin Curley is Professor of Innovation at Maynooth University and Senior Vice President and group head for Global Digital Practice at Mastercard. Martin is based in Dublin and brings Digital thought and practice leadership to help Mastercard and Mastercard Advisors clients win with Digital. Previously Martin was vice president at Intel Corporation and Director/GM of Intel Labs Europe, Intel’s network of more than 50 research labs which he help grow across the European region. He also served as a senior principal engineer at Intel Labs Europe leading Intel’s research and innovation engagement with the European Commission and the broader European Union research ecosystem. Previously Curley was Global Director of IT Innovation and Director of IT Strategy and Technology at Intel. Earlier in his Intel career, he held a number of senior positions for Intel in the United States and Europe. Before joining Intel in 1992, he held management and research positions at General Electric in Ireland and at Philips Electronics in the Netherlands.
Curley is the author of five books on technology management for value, innovation and entrepreneurship. He is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, the British Computer Society and, the Irish Computer Society. Martin is co-founder of the Innovation Value Institute at Maynooth University, a unique industry-academia collaboration driving research and development of advanced IT and Digital maturity frameworks.
Martin is the chair of the EU Open Innovation and Strategy Policy group which is driving the further development and adoption of the Open Innovation 2.0 paradigm in Europe. He is a member of various advisory boards including the EU CAF and the Smart London Board.
Curley has a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering and a master’s degree in business studies, both from University College Dublin, Ireland. He received his Ph.D. in information systems from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. He was previously a visiting scholar at MIT Sloan Centre for Information Systems Research and was jointly awarded European Chief Technology Officer of the year for 2015-2016.
Martin Curley is Professor of Innovation at Maynooth University and Senior Vice President and group head for Global Digital Practice at Mastercard. Martin is based in Dublin and brings Digital thought and practice leadership to help Mastercard and Mastercard Advisors clients win with Digital. Previously Martin was vice president at Intel Corporation and Director/GM of Intel Labs Europe, Intel’s network of more than 50 research labs which he help grow across the European region. He also served as a senior principal engineer at Intel Labs Europe leading Intel’s research and innovation engagement with the European Commission and the broader European Union research ecosystem. Previously Curley was Global Director of IT Innovation and Director of IT Strategy and Technology at Intel. Earlier in his Intel career, he held a number of senior positions for Intel in the United States and Europe. Before joining Intel in 1992, he held management and research positions at General Electric in Ireland and at Philips Electronics in the Netherlands.
Curley is the author of five books on technology management for value, innovation and entrepreneurship. He is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, the British Computer Society and, the Irish Computer Society. Martin is co-founder of the Innovation Value Institute at Maynooth University, a unique industry-academia collaboration driving research and development of advanced IT and Digital maturity frameworks.
Martin is the chair of the EU Open Innovation and Strategy Policy group which is driving the further development and adoption of the Open Innovation 2.0 paradigm in Europe. He is a member of various advisory boards including the EU CAF and the Smart London Board.
Curley has a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering and a master’s degree in business studies, both from University College Dublin, Ireland. He received his Ph.D. in information systems from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. He was previously a visiting scholar at MIT Sloan Centre for Information Systems Research and was jointly awarded European Chief Technology Officer of the year for 2015-2016.
Kathleen Lynch is the Professor of Equality Studies at University College Dublin, an Irish Research Council Advanced Research Scholar 2014-2017 and a member of the UCD School of Education. An academic and an activist, she is guided by the belief that the purpose of scholarship and research is, not just to understand the world, but to change it for the good of all humanity. To that end, she has published, campaigned and lectured widely on equality and social justice issues throughout her life. While best known for her research equality and education, she has also co-authored a number of major texts on equality (Equality: From Theory to Action, 2004, 2009) and on care and justice (Affective Equality: Love, Care and Injustice, 2009). She is currently leading a three-year study on Equality of Opportunity in Practice: studies in working, learning and caring and is the lead Irish researcher on an EU study on Solidarity in Europe. She is also working with School of Health Sciences researching social justice issues in palliative care. Her most recent book (co-authored with Bernie Grummell and Dympna Devine) New Managerialism in Education: Commercialization, Carelessness and Gender (2015 2nd Ed) is a study of the impact of neoliberalism on primary, secondary and higher education. Her work has been translated into a number of languages including French, Spanish, Korean and Bulgarian.
She has held a number of senior appointments including being a core member of the EU Network of Experts in the Social Sciences on Education (advising the European Commission DG -EAC) from 2007 to 2010. She has been a visiting scholar at a number of leading universities, including University of Barcelona and the University of Wisconsin Madison (2016), University of Melbourne 2014, City University of New York, 2013, Jagellionian University (University of Kraków) 2011, 2015, Orebro University, Sweden 2010, the China Centre for Comparative Politics and Economics, Beijing, 2010, Oulu University Finland 2009 and University of Cambridge (2006).
PDA ANNUAL CONFERENCE For more information click
PDA Conference 15th-17th November 2017
John West-Burnham works as an independent teacher, writer and consultant in leadership development. John worked in schools, further and adult education for fifteen years before moving into higher education. He has held posts in six universities. He will address PDA Conference on Friday 17th November. He is author of Managing Quality in Schools; Rethinking Educational Leadership; co-author of Understanding Leadership, Leadership Dialogues, Leading and Managing Schools; Education for Social Justice; Systems Leadership; Spiritual and moral development in schools; Schools and Communities; Personalizing Learning: Making Every Child Matter, Effective Learning in Schools, Leadership and Professional Development in Schools and co-editor of Performance Management in Schools, Educational Leadership and the Community, The Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management and 12 other books and over 30 articles and chapters.
John has worked in Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, The Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Malaysia, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Qatar, the Republic of Ireland, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, the UAE and the USA. He was a coordinator of the European School Leadership Project.
His current consultancy and research interests include the learning centred school, ‘Closing the gap’- moving from good to outstanding; leading teaching and learning; transformational leadership, leadership learning and development; collaborative leadership and educational leadership in the community.
John is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Leadership Development Adviser, National School for Educational Leadership, Slovenia
Leadership consultant to Turning Learning in Amsterdam
Consultant to the Leadership Development Schools project, Ministry of Education, Republic of Ireland
Chair of the trustees of the Southern Educational Leadership Trust
Consultant, Innovative Schools Project, Microsoft
Adviser, BI Norwegian Business School
John is a director of three academy trusts and chair of the trustees of two educational charities of Performance Management