Johnstown House Hotel, Enfield, 15-17 November 2017
John West-Burnham
Once again PDA has organised what promises to be a most thought provoking, enlightening conference for those working in the area of school leadership and development. Among the keynote speaker are Professor Philip Nolan, Professor Kathleen Lynch, John West-Burnham and Professor Martin Curley.
Click below for more information and for registration.
Máire Ní Bhróithe, Centre for School Leadership, addressed PDA National Executive at Saturday’s meeting. Máire focused on 4 areas -Mentoring, Coaching, Third Level Qualification for Aspiring Leaders and Quality Assurance.
Maureen Griffin brought conference to a close with a most enlightening, entertaining session on the topic of Internet usage and safety. Some useful links below:
Mr. Adrian Power, Acting President PDA, delivered his address earlier today.
President’s Address 2016
Is mór an onóir dom, mar Uachtarán Chumann Príomhoidí agus Príomhoidí Tánaisteacha, fáilte a chur romhaibh go léir go dtí an cruinniú bliantúil seo i gContae na Gaillimhe.
It is my great honour to welcome you all to the 47th annual conference of the Principals and Deputy Principal’s Association here in the Carlton Shearwater hotel in Ballinasloe. This year’s conference was organised by Laois Offaly and Longford Westmeath areas and before I go any further I would like to thank the organising committee for the excellent job they have done and the many months of hard work that they have put in behind the scenes, without which conference could not happen. I would like to thank the executive for their hard work and support, and the TUI for their advice and support over the past year. Click here to read full address
TUI President, Joanne Irwin, addressed conference and General Secretary, John Mac Gabhann, facilitated a questions and answers session.
Fitting start to PDA Conference, focus on self-care and well being with many great suggestions and strategies to lessen and manage stress – excellent presentation by Ann-Marie Ireland.
Dr. Deirdre Mathews Assistant Chief Inspector Post Primary and Jason Kelly Post Primary Maths Inspector are delivering Quality Framework and School Self Evaluation Workshop at the P.D.A. Conference, Thursday 17th.
Hear DES Senior Inspector Domnall Fleming at PDA Annual Conference Nov 16th-18th, Shearwater Hotel, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway
Domnall Fleming is a senior inspector with the Department of Education and Skills (DES) and is based in the Munster region. He graduated from University College Cork (UCC) with a Masters degree in Geography and a Higher Diploma in Education in 1983. He taught in a number of second-level schools in Cork city and county, and for fourteen years was a teacher of Geography and English, and an assistant principal, in Coláiste Choilm in Ballincollig, Co Cork. He was seconded on a part-time basis to the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) as Education Officer to the Leaving Certificate Course Committee from 1996-2002 and lectured, also on a part-time basis, to PGDE geography students in UCC from 1997-2002. In 2002, he was appointed inspector for Geography with the DES Inspectorate and was promoted to senior inspector in 2004. In the period 2008 to 2012 he completed school-based research relating to student voice in Irish post-primary schools and was conferred with a PhD in Education at UCC in 2013.